We specialize in the production of high-quality arecanut seedlings. Each year, we cultivate arecanut seedlings on a large scale, catering to both wholesale and retail markets. We source the seeds, nuts and other propagules from reliable sources and grow them in our own nursery with proper care and maintenance. Our seednuts are chosen from disease free superior quality mother palms with high and early bearing capacity. Seeds are sown with adequate spacing and developed into well matured seedlings in our nursery beds. To date, we have sold over 10 lakh seedlings, covering 1.25 lakh acres across four southern states.
Planting Instructions
Arecanut is capable of growing in a variety of soils. It thrives best in well drained soils. Adequate protection from sun exposure is essential to avoid sun-scorch. Quick growing shade trees have to be planted well in advance of planting arecanut seedlings. It is sensitive to moisture deficit and should be grown where adequate water facilities are available. Seedlings should be planted in pits of about 3 feet at a spacing of 8-9 feet between plants and manured bi annually. Arecanut cultivation is well suited for intercropping with a number of other plants.

- Mohithnagar is a well established Tall areca variety .
- This variety is a consistent high yielder.
- Starts yielding after 3 years (2 mtr height).
- Ripe nuts are usually oblong/round in shape with a deep yellow colour.
- Nuts are bigger and heavier with high recovery of chali or dry kernel.
- Suitable for both tender nut and ripe nut processing.
- The important feature of this variety is its uniform development .

- This is a Hybrid dwarf variety of Mangala.
- Tolerant to most diseases and pests
- Very early and consistent bearer with more female flowers
- Not only does this variety produce a high quantity of nuts, but these nuts are heavier than those of other Mangala varieties.
- Since nuts are bigger there is less wastage while kernel processing.
- Fetches higher price in the market because of its quality and marble appearance of the split nut.
- Sun scorching and wind damage is minimal due to its dwarfing nature.
- Harvesting and spraying is also easy.
- Ideal for smaller farms or those with limited space.

- Native variety which yields in 4.5 yrs
- Lifespan is longer than other varieties.
- Natuve varieties are usually drought resistant
- Nuts are smaller in size
Nutmeg is one of the high value plantation crops and is grown as an intercrop in coconut groves which is perfect for two tier cropping system. We have 2 varieties of grafted nutmeg released by the Indian Institute of Spices Research (IISR) with their own unique characteristics and flavor profile.

- Plants begin to flower 4 years after planting
- Flowering is profuse and fruits are a vibrant yellow when ripe with brownish black seeds
- The nuts are bold and the mace is thick and dark red providing an appealing and flavorful spice
- There is low incidence of fruit rot caused by Diplodia spp ensuring healthier crops and better yields
- Keralasree is the first nutmeg variety developed through farmers participatory breeding
- Known for its heavy nut and thick, entire mace, this variety has high market value
- This variety thrives in a variety of growing conditions
- The mace and nut oils are rich in sabinene and elemicin

- A high yielding, high quality variety with bushy and compact plant type
- There is abundant flowering with 2-3 flowers in every axil.
- Flowering is after 4 years of planting
- Low incidence of fruit rot caused by Diplodia spp.
- This variety has high shoot regeneration capacity.
- Gives quality quills. Bark oil, leaf oil and oleoresin contents are high giving good aroma and taste.